
Gradient Solutions and Assurances Groupe Vezina have been collaborating for the past 5 years. It is a relationship that is forged in confidence and respect.

The GSI team are experienced, loyal and up to date with current industry knowledge and have enabled Groupe Vezina to develop the ability to react and adapt to our own challenges in a proactive way.

Whenever we work with consultants, we expect them to deliver turn-key solutions that will allow us to reach our objectives. The specialists at GSI did so much for our business. They compelled us to challenge ourselves! They enabled us to go beyond our day-to-day expectations and worked with us to establish sustainable long term strategies that were in alignment with our values. We now have in place the tools necessary to take on the constant evolution of our industry. As an analogy, I would say that they didn’t give us a glass of water to quench our thirst – they taught us how to build a well that will bring out the best in all of us, from front-line brokers to the directors.

Gradient Solutions has left their mark on the offices of Groupe Vezina for years to come.

Francis Vézina

Directeur Général

In September 2010, we hired Sean Mulcair from Gradient Solutions to help us develop our web strategy through GSI's Web Performance Optimization. Sean spent two days in our Sudbury office for the Strategic Planning and Diagnostic phases of the program. During those two days, we quickly noticed Sean's strong work ethic, his understanding of our industry, and his determination to help us transform our business for the better.

Sean created a plan for us to follow to achieve success with our web strategy. With his methodological approach, he helped us focus our efforts in the right areas and provided us with the advice and guidance we were looking for.

We are very pleased with the outcome of the Web Performance Optimization and would like to thank Sean and his team for helping make our web strategy a success. We strongly recommend GSI and the Web Performance Optimization program to other brokers and would welcome the opportunity of working with GSI on other projects.

Greg Raymond

Raymond Insurance

On behalf of the Canadian Association of Insurance Women, I would like to thank you very much for your very informative presentation about improving our efficiency and productivity at our Education Day on May 27th in Montreal.

We received many positive comments and some great feedback from many of the attendees.

Education is one of the cornerstones of our association. We sincerely appreciate your contribution to the personal and professional development of our members.

Thank you again for your involvement and helping to make our 2011 Education Day such a success.

Lori Duclos, BBA, FCIP, CRM

First Vice President Education Day Chair Canadian Association of Insurance Women

Suite l’excellente présentation de Sean au Congrès RCCAQ 2009, nous avons décidé de faire faire le Diagnostic IPC. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié la façon de mener le Diagnostic.

Votre écoute et votre grande compréhension des enjeux a permis de mettre le doigt sur plusieurs points d’amélioration au sein de notre entreprise. Votre approche de consultation orientée vers l’assurance de dommages a mis nos employés en confiance lors des focus group. Ceux-ci ont vraiment apprécié de rencontrer des gens ayant tout comme eux un background dans le domaine et comprenant leur réalité quotidienne.

De plus, les solutions apportées sont avant-gardistes sans être trop contraignantes. C’est une recherche de l’efficacité tout en respectant notre entreprise. Nous recommandons les services de Solutions Gradient à tout cabinet d’assurances ayant à coeur le succès à long terme de son entreprise.

Stéphan Richard, C. d'A.A., MBA

Director, Commercial Lines, Assurancia Estrie Inc.

Ayant décidé d'opérer dans un environnement majoritairement sans papier, nous avons fait appel à vos services afin de nous aider a refaire toutes les procédures.

Lors de nos nombreuses rencontres, vous avez analysé nos forces et nos faiblesses. Vous avez surtout pris le temps de comprendre la dynamique du travail avant de nous proposer des solutions, lesquelles se sont avérées innovatrices afin de rendre notre entreprise plus productive et efficace. L'implantation s'est bien déroulée grâce a votre grande expertise dans le domaine de I'assurance ainsi qu'a votre professionnalisme.

II nous fait plaisir de vous recommander aux autres membres de notre Industrie et, veuillez agréer, Ann Marie, Sean, I'expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs.

Marie-Josée Friset

General Manager, Soly Chabot Ranger

We really appreciated your openness and availability. You understood well our business model.

Through your intervention and your team's analytical ability, we were able to measure our activities on our Web initiative and development, allowing us to add value where it would be most beneficial. You also became involved in understanding our business process, scrutinizing it and identifying gains in productivity.

Various solutions were submitted to us, taking into account not only our own operations but also current industry trends. You were able to bring to us an original approach that is true to our reality.

Your offer to assist us with the implementation of the solution has been greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to you and your team at Solutions Gradient for your excellent work.

Ross Gagné

Marketing director, Essor

We want to tell you how much we enjoyed your presentation and would like to congratulate you for the conference you gave to our clients on 'Developing a Successful Web Strategy' across Canada.

The conferences were very enlightening and stimulating. The topic was presented in a timely and professional manner and the material was adapted to each province. We received favorable feedback from the participating brokers, expressing that the presentation was very beneficial and constructive.

We will be looking forward to a repeat performance in the near future. It was a joy working with you and we highly recommend your services to everyone in the Insurance Industry.

Philippe Joassin

VP Sales and Business Development, Applied Systems Inc.

Votre dynamisme, vos compétences, votre expérience ainsi que votre professionnalisme, nous ont grandement aidés dans notre stratégie de développement. Sans aucune hésitation, nous recommanderons les services de votre entreprise.

La façon dont vous avez animé cette journée aura permis aux personnes présentes de participer activement à cette session de planification stratégique et ainsi, en retirer que du positif.

Nous tenons à vous remercier encore une fois pour vos précieux conseils et nous sommes convaincus que nous aurons la chance de travailler de nouveau avec vous dans un avenir rapproché.

Junior Juneau

Riverin Girard & Associés

Notre cabinet a fait appel aux services de Solutions Gradient et je peux vous affirmer qu'ils sont à l'écout de nos besoins et savent s'adapter à notre situation sans nous imposer une recette déjà préconçue, ce qui pourrait être dangereux pour la pérennité de l'entreprise. Au contraire, ils prennent le temps de nous écouter et analysent de façon complète et exhaustive non seulement nos besoins mais ils ciblent aussi nos faiblesses et proposent des solutions à ceux-ci. Ce sont de vrais professionnels avec une grande expertise dans le domaine de l'assurance. Je les recommande à n'importe quelle firme de courtage d'assurance IARD.

Jean-Pierre Tardif

Assurancia Tardif Group

Ann Marie est venue passer trois jours chez nous en février 2008 afin d’intégrer le même concept, mais pour les assurances des particuliers (PLT).

Avec une structure de temps très bien définie, nous sommes maintenant en mesure de travailler nos renouvellements d’une façon très proactive.

Nous recommandons leurs services aux autres membres de notre industrie. L’équipe de Solutions Gradient propose des façons innovatrices de trouver des solutions afin de rendre votre entreprise plus productive et efficace.

Philippe Lareau

Lareau courtier d'assurances

Senior management was kept informed as to the project status through regular meetings, reports and documentation that included minutes, business analyses and studies as required and requested. GSI recommended practical solutions which targeted the unique applications within DPMM. In addition, the recommendations were based on GSI having solid industry experience.

The mandate was evolutionary in nature and GSI was faced with a multitude of changing scenarios. The GSI team worked easily with all employees involved with the integration and they became a part of our culture and our corporate family over the course of their mandate. Furthermore, GSI provided me with an independent lens through which key issues and variables were discussed.

I would gladly recommend GSI to other members of the insurance industry, and we would welcome the opportunity to work with them again.

David Kennedy

Executive Vice President, CFO Dale Parizeau Morris Mackenzie

When I look back over the two years, the transformation of our procedures and practices has gone smoothly, and the results we were hoping for have been realized. These programs have helped us to implement a logical process that integrates our systems, our procedures and a renewed, clearer focus on customer service.

With an organized and standardized way of processing work, our reports became more accurate, easier to produce and ultimately much more useful.

Sean's approach to the sales process is directly aligned with the professional manner that we wish to present to our customers. We have a much more focused and professional sales force as a result.

I am always happy to work with the GSI team and would gladly recommend them to anyone in our industry.

Bruce Ogilvy

President, Ogilvy & Ogilvy

Nous utilisons les étapes qu'elle [Ann Marie] a présentées cette semaine-là et l'impact le plus important se situe au niveau de la façon dont nous traitons les renouvellements. En utilisant un système clairement défini et méthodique, nous avons constaté une nette amélioration de notre niveau de rétention.

L'équipe de Solutions Gradient propose des façons innovatrices de trouver des solutions afin de rendre notre entreprise plus efficiente et efficace. C'est avec plaisir que nous recommandons leurs services aux autres membres de l'industrie de l'assurance.

Jacques Brisson

Groupe Plural - PMT ROY

Ann Marie's straightforward and methodical approach to transforming how we currently work was welcomed by my team.

We are able to see what the file status is at any time and our weekly meetings have some structure that makes us accomplish a lot more in less time.

The team at Gradient Solutions offer innovative ways to find solutions to making your business work more effectively and efficiently.

Gerald Shtull

President, Gerald Shtull & Associates

I just wanted to thank you again for putting us in touch with Gradient Solutions. We just had Ann Marie at our office, she was outstanding!!!

Curtis Beswick

CJ Campbell Insurance

With the help of GSI we were able to implement a new BMS with new workflows over a 5 month time frame. I am quite convinced that without their help we would not have been able to achieve these results in such a short period of time.

Carol Fetherston

GGA Inc., PMA Assurance et Services Financiers

I was very impressed with both the quality of the Lean program and the delivery. It is so relevant to where we are as an organization and was well received.

Kevin J. Neiles

Ranger Insurance

SCORE turned out to be everything we expected and more! We are seeing results in not only retention, but overall client satisfaction! Money well spent!

Paula Theaker

PBL Insurance

Thanks to SCORE, selling has never been easier. Sales are based on product and not premium. This makes us better brokers. In short, SCORE brings BENEFITS!

Alexandre Longpré

Groupe Vézina

Keal and Gradient work well as partners; Keal installs its software and trains the Broker users on their software’s Best Practises, and Gradient Solutions provides other essential elements such as integration management, building modern workflow procedures as well as achieving true paper-free solutions in commercial lines. Together Keal and Gradient Solutions allow brokers to benefit fully from their technology initiatives and investments.

Patrick Durepos

President, Keal Technology

Integrity and accountability go a long way in an industry built on relationships. In our regular work with Gradient Solutions, we’re always confident that we have a partner who is fair, thorough and operating in the best interests of our shared broker clients.

Martin Ouellet

Canadian Regional Sales Manager, Applied Systems Inc.